Saturday, January 27, 2007

About being sick...

Ok people.

I'm sick and I really don't feel well. You know, I really can't remember when I've felt this bad. Sure sure, I've feigned 'I'm sick and can't go to school to study' excuse before but this time, it's the Real McCoy. Its real to the extent, that I'm leaving tissues strewn all over the place.

Not pleasant at all. Really.

Did you know, that I blew my nose so hard just now that now I'm temporarily hearing impaired? I can't hear properly out of one ear as I'm typing this. It's like the pressure in your ear, during a plane's lift off. Not particularly sure if lift off is the correct terminology neither do I particularly care. Oh well, so long as the message gets across.

Well, will post more when I feel better. Don't wanna get snot all over my screen in an ill timed sneeze.


Hey guys, guess what?

I finally managed to get my hands on that BritishIndia jacket I've been eyeing for some time. If you guys have ever shopped before in BritishIndia, you will realize, that the prices are STEEP!! How steep? Somewhere in the range of 140 SGD for a scarf. And that's a small scarf at that. Why is it steep though? Well, I had a conversation with one of the staff there and found out that BritishIndia clothes are ALL hand-sewn and hand-made. This means, that only a few pieces are produced for any one particular design and so, in actual fact, you are not only paying for the quality, you're also paying for the exclusivity. So boys and girls, if you do want to buy anything from BritishIndia, you'd better get it quick, because if you tarry too long, you might end up not getting the shirt or blouse you fancy.

By the way, if you have walked into any BritishIndia outlet, you realize that the ambiance in there is POSH!! If I have to describe it, I'd say the decor is very colonial British Indian. Yeah yeah... so sue me... But you will find that it's posh.. And also, I think BritishIndia has their own deejays to mix their music and play... I mean, the music they play is not your run of the mill Power 98 FM kind... it's the quote: 'Welcome to BritishIndia' unquote and then the ambient music starts playing.

Well, I've had enough of staring at the screen like a nutter typing this down. I think its time to take a break before I really damage my eyes... Then I'll have to wear specs as to which my sister is insanely jealous as she had always taken care of her eyes, while I haven't and I still don't need to wear anything while she has had LASIK done to correct her vision... But I digress...

Until next time then...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

OK...Another rant...

Ok ok.. Here's another rant. I know.. although the name of my blog says rumination and rants, all you've seen so far are rants. Alright alright, I'll post a rumination soon, right after I finish this rant/whine/posting/thing/ok better stop it. Ahahaha...

Alright. I think I MAY just have blown up a hundred and nine bucks. Yep..a $109... How? Well... It all started with a scratched iPod...and to put it a nutshell, I bought the extended warranty in the vain hope that the iPod would somehow die.. *coughbreakcoughitcoughdeliberatelycough* and well, entitle me to a new, free and scratchless iPod under Apple's warranty scheme! Not so I guess...once I found out that Apple's policy is that dented iPod's have voided warranty!! So that little dent in the casing, translates roughly to: small little almost invisible dent=voided warranty for me. Wonderful.

There is also the fact that I would dearly love to HACK my iPod, so it becomes a hell lot cooler. HUGE problem though... Doing so voids my warranty too.. So what now? I'm currently at an impasse.. There might be a solution though.
A) I bring my iPod back to the Apple Store and ask if the warranty is voided for sure with that teeny tiny dent.
B) I go back to the Apple Store and ask if hacking my iPod will void the warranty, but so long as I remove the hack, the warranty is NOT void.
C)I wait till the warranty expires before I try anything...

I can't HACK my iPod without voiding it, but I have a dent in it POSSIBLY voiding it..

But then, it's just a SMALL SMALL dent on top right? Will Apple see it? Please dear God no... If they do and the warranty is now voided, I've just blown up $109, leaving me with a scratched and dented iPod, but relatively freer to HACK my voided iPod..



OK... Before I begin, I just realized, that my first post, was not about why I wanted to make a blog in the first place (Thank you, Daniel for reminding me). So, to make things right, I decided t o post again. Ta Dah!!(<---- Name of the Scissor Sister's latest album, by the way.) Here it is!!

I made this blog to talk about some stuff... any kind of stuff actually, that well, I feel should be made public... Hmm... That didn't quite come out right... Bleah.. Whatever, in summary: I. Talk. You. Listen...or read... whatever floats your boat I suppose..

Anyway, I decided that I will blog only when I feel like it, so I won't blog unless its important... i.e. Anything other than a rant.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Bleah.... Apple.....

Hi all, just wanted to share some of my pretty distasteful encounters and experiences with some of Apple's service officers.

To date, I'm aware that there are 2 Apple stores in Singapore that offer servicing of the iPod and Macs. One is in Wheelock and one is in the Cineleisure Mall. Of the 2, I'd have to say that the one at Wheelock just SUCKS BIG TIME. Think I'm being too harsh? Well, try talking to the service personnel there then. They are SNOBBY and just plain UNPLEASANT to deal with. They talk to me like I'm some lower life form beyond their notice and that I should be honored that those Higher Beings deign to speak to a Lowly One such as lil' ol' me. The one at Cineleisure however was nice enough. They were polite, understanding and were just helpful. Now that's what I call service.

I suppose what started the rant is this: The problem with Apple is that although their technology is good and award winning, their policies and service just plainly leaves much to be desired. So, although Apple might have left a lousy impression on me, there is no doubt in my mind, that if Apple does release another iPod, I WILL get it.

I guess that's what's meant by a cult following.