Thursday, March 22, 2007

JC life...

Hi people. Sorry about not posting for ages... Was tied down with projects from JC and other whatnot.

Well, judging from what Aidil was saying about JC P.E, he really is quite right. The teachers are abit on the siao side. Of course, they're not as bad as the really wacky N.S instructors in the army, but still...

Anyway, after a really and I mean REALLY long period of inactivity, I was finally made to run about 1.2 KM. Well, for those who know me, you should know that I'm not one of the type who will pull on my shoes and go for a jog.

Nope. Running just isn't my cuppa tea.

Anyway, ran until the very act of sitting on the floor was causing my butt muscles to seize up. Yes, it was that bad and I am THAT unfit. Happy?

Anyway, I can already imagine where my muscles want to ache tomorrow already. Bah.

Oh by the way, ran 1.2 KM in 7 minutes. Not bad la I think. Considering that I haven't moved at all for about 10 months.

Ran until I barfed lor.. As one of my classmates put so succinctly. And if you were wondering, I threw up after the run. Twice.

By the way, barfing chrysanthemum tea is disgusting. Don't drink it before you barf. Its naturally bitter and that mixed with the sourness of vomit just makes you want to puke more. And its not the Yeoh's or Pokka chrysanthemum tea either. I'm talking about REAL brewed chrysanthemum tea.

Ok. Gonna stop here before YOU barf all over YOUR computer screen listening to this disgusting post.
